White Shores with Theresa Cheung

Time For Sleep with Philip Carr-Gomm

Theresa Cheung Season 9 Episode 14

In this deeply soothing episode of White Shores overflowing with hope for the sleepless, Theresa talks to Philip Carr-Gomm, an author and psychotherapist, trained in psychology, sophrology, and psychosynthesis psycho therapy. The founder of the Sophrology Institute, Philip runs a sleep clinic that offers online sleep therapy and is the author of more than twenty books, including his latest title: The Gift of the Night: A Six-Step Programme for Better Sleep.

To find out more about Philip, his books and his mission visit:


To find out more about Theresa’s bestselling dream, intuition, afterlife, and mystical titles and spiritual mission, visit:



You can contact Theresa via @thetheresacheung on Instagram and her author pages on Facebook and Twitter and you can email her directly at: angeltalk710@aol.com

Thank you to Cluain Ri for the blissful episode music.

White Shores is produced by Matthew Cooper.