White Shores with Theresa Cheung

Feeling too Much: With Psychology Today blogger, author and personality researcher, Michael Jawer.

Theresa Cheung Season 3 Episode 19

Feeling too Much: With Psychology Today blogger, author and personality researcher, Michael Jawer. 

To find out more about Michael, order Sensitive Soul and his other titles and contact him direct, visit: 


author@michaeljawer.com   To find out more about Theresa’s bestselling dream, afterlife, heaven, angel, and spiritual titles and mission, visit: Www.theresacheung.com
You can contact Theresa via her author pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email her directly at: angeltalk710@aol.com

To find out about the theme music used in White Shores visit: www.cluainri.com  
The music at the end played by Robert Cheung is Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto, Second Movement. 

White Shores is edited and produced by Robert Cheung